Sports Rings :: (3)-PLAYER AWARDED WATCHES :: **SOLD**2008 Ohio State Football "Tostito's Fiesta Bowl" Player's Watch

**SOLD**2008 Ohio State Football "Tostito's Fiesta Bowl" Player's Watch

**SOLD**2008 Ohio State Football "Tostito's Fiesta Bowl" Player's Watch

**SOLD**2008 Ohio State Football "Tostito's Fiesta Bowl" Player's Watch
2009 Ohio State Buckeyes Football Tostito's Fiesta Bowl Starting Players Watch! Made by reputable watch maker Kenneth Cole New York, this watch is in MINT condition(Never Worn) and was awarded to an Ohio State Football Starting Player that played in the 2009 Tostito's Fiesta Bowl against Texas. Watch comes in it's original watch box in which it was issued in. If you are interested in this watch you can e-mail us at or call us at (321) 202-0931.
SKU SKU17559
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